
Today’s Devotional: Have You Ever Wanted to Give Up on Prayer?

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Today’s Devotional: Have You Ever Wanted to Give Up on Prayer?: "

In Our Daily Journey, Regina Franklin writes about a time in her life in which she almost gave up on prayer. Exasperated after a series of seemingly unanswered petitions to God, she asked aloud, “Why bother praying?” Her husband answered, “Because God says so.” Regina concludes that she had let her circumstances govern her faith, rather than letting her faith lead her to “a deeper understanding of prayer”:

Telling them of the widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8), Jesus admonished His disciples to be persistent in prayer. Interestingly enough, He ends His lesson by saying, “But when the Son of Man, returns, how many will He find who have faith?” (v.8). Countless times I have allowed the outcome to determine my level of faith, rather than letting my faith lead me to a deeper understanding of prayer.

Unable to escape circumstances, we allow them to blind us, and—subsequently—we lose sight of the battle. Daniel, however, submitted to God’s will. In doing so, he refused to be moved from his declaration of faith in the power of God. He knew God would answer (Daniel 10:12-19). In 2 Corinthians 5:7 we read, “We live by believing and not by seeing.” Imagine the turn of events if Daniel had given up when the answer was delayed!

Read the rest at Our Daily Journey.

Have you ever found yourself asking the question “Why bother praying?” What was the answer you found?


Have you ever read a Bible passage in its original language?

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Have you ever read a Bible passage in its original language?: "

hebrewbibleIf you’re an evangelical churchgoer, chances are you’re familiar with the Sunday morning “mini-Greek-lesson”—the part of a sermon where the preacher refers back to a Bible passage’s original language in order to better explain its meaning.

Reading a Bible passage in its original language doesn’t unlock any hidden secrets that are missing from modern English translations, but it can be helpful in interpreting challenging passages. For this reason, I’ve long felt that even a basic, introductory knowledge of Greek or Hebrew (just enough to look something up in a Greek or Hebrew dictionary and understand the information there) is a very worthwhile goal for Christians to pursue, given the chance.

Have you ever read part of the Bible in the original language in which it was written? How did it affect your Bible study in general? If you don’t currently know Greek or Hebrew, do you plan to study one or both of them in the future?

Share your thoughts!


One Woman’s Story

Saturday, February 27, 2010
One Woman’s Story: "

One Woman's Story

The irony of the weekend started when I open my eyes and reach for my glasses. They broke! Without them, my vision will be impaired. To say the least. And so, my story begins. . .

One of the first speakers is Henry Cloud; he talks about pruning. I had just written a journal page about pruning. You prune to get rid of limbs that are weak. You prune good limbs to make them stronger. You prune others so light can shine in. God’s pruning shears are out!

Between sessions, World Vision had placed orange bags in our chairs. Inside are little children that need sponsors, $35 a month. I look, but nope, ain’t happening! Besides, I think, Bill already gives to World Vision for some little boy in Tanzania. I think the pictures may just be a marketing scheme. We are already giving. Well, Bill is giving. I can call it “us” for money’s sake. I need pruning!

Well, let’s just peek into this bag and see what this little kid looks like. There with dark little pig tails and puffy cheeks was the most adorable, sad-looking little girl looking back at me. Little Merly from Guatemala—her birthday is 8 days before my daughter’s. I start thinking about how much my daughter had at 3 compared to what this little girl has . . . but we’re already spending $35 a month on some boy that doesn’t pull on my heart strings at all, but costs us each month. I’ll just put her on the arm of my chair and look at her. The pruning has begun!

Just before a break, a lady was asked to share her personal experience. She was raised in a Communist country and only had 4 colors to color with as a child. Her whole world was gray. When the Berlin wall came down, she was able to experience Crayolas in hundreds of colors! After coming to the U.S., she sponsored a child and sent him crayons. She received a picture of him smiling with crayons all around him. Well, that just snipped my “World Vision marketing scheme” thought off the tree. OK Lord, I feel my bad limbs being pruned, but we ARE talking another $35 here and we have a lake house to pay for and furniture . . . cha-ching, cha-ching. More pruning needs to be done.

On break, I browse around the World Vision table. Just out of curiosity’s sake, almost like shopping for a kid—not that I am interested. I do like Merly, and, after all, we ARE already giving $35 a month. Returning to my chair, I go to look for that little girl’s picture. Oh no! Where is she? In a panic, I begin to look under my seat and the seats around me. All those around me are caught up in my panic. Where could this little girl be? We look in the orange bags around us to no avail. The lights are going out. The program is starting. She must be here. Oh Lord, just let me find her. “Be still and know that I am God” came into my head—another message I had heard this weekend.

During the session, Marilyn Meberg shared an experience of being delayed in a foreign airport and how a gentleman came to their rescue. After learning they were on a World Vision mission, he was more than willing to save them—his sister had a World Vision sponsor that saved their family. OK, that did it. Where is that little girl? Snip. Snip. Snip.

As the lights come on, ladies in orange aprons are collecting orange bags—the bags that held kids who didn’t get a sponsor this weekend. NO! I will sponsor! I need her. She needs me. Where is she? She had been put in a bag with someone else at the end of the row. I hesitate no longer. I don’t want her to be lost again. I want to mail her hair ribbons and colors. I WANT to send her $35 a month! What if she doesn’t grow up “lost” but comes to know God by having a little provision as I let my light shine? We have been blessed with so much. I—not my husband, but I—can give such a little amount each month. Pruned I was!

This Women of Faith weekend was not just about this precious little girl for me. It has been about being pruned. It is about a clear vision to see God at work and not money spent. My vision had been so impaired, I hadn’t noticed I was looking so ragged representing Christ. It took each speaker over two days to prune my heart for Jesus. Some to strengthen the good branches, some to get rid of the weak ones, and yes, some to let the Son shine in. I can’t wait for my pruning next year!

— Marsha Moon


Finding a Quiet Place, a free book & coffee to go with it!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Finding a Quiet Place, a free book & coffee to go with it!: "

I love Jesus' invitation. He gives me permission to pull away from the needs that pull on me. I thirst for time alone with Him. I know I need the gift of rest He offers, but I'm not always in a place to receive it. I have to get intentional or it won't ever happen.

I noticed today that Jesus invited his disciples in Mark 6 to change locations physically so that they could find refreshment and restoration spiritually and mentally. It's easier for me to rest when I pull away from the demands of life and my daily setting. What about you? Do you ever go somewhere without distractions and noises to spend time with Jesus? Sometimes this is my devotional time but sometimes it is just the chance to enjoy down time.

One of my favorites things to do is pull away to a quiet place with a cup of coffee, my journal and a great book. Sometimes I'll read my Bible, other times I'll read a novel that stirs my heart and reveals God's truth in a new and creative context.

With today's key verse in mind and some things God is teaching me about not expecting so much of myself but giving myself permission to pull away, I wanted to share with you two give-aways that include an excuse to do the same for yourself - coffee and a good read!!

First, through this Friday, you can download a free copy of the novel 'Scared' (More details at the end of this post.) Author, Tom Davis, along with David C. Cook Publishers is graciously offering this to our P31 family of readers and friends through Proverbs 31 Ministries' She Reads site.

Second, I have the perfect thing to go with this compelling book - a pound of delicious coffee! Tom Davis is not only an amazing author, he's got a huge giving heart!He's also the co-founder of Saints Coffee (http://www.saintscoffee.com/). His company gives 1/3 of their net profits to care for orphans in Africa and Russia. And he's offered to give me a pound of free coffee. I've decided to give it to one of you! If your name is picked, you can visit http://www.saintscoffee.com/ and let me know what roast and flavor you'd like and I'll send your request to him.

To enter to win a pound of coffee for you (or a friend), click on the word 'comments' below and type in the white box. If you don't have a blog, click anonymous. Please include your name, your email and let me know...
(and if you don't like coffee, I'd still love to hear your thoughts).

Where do you find that quiet place with Jesus where He promises rest?

Then visit my friends at She Reads where you can download your
FREE COPY OF Tom's NOVEL, 'Scared.'

Need exercise motivation? Put it on paper

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Need exercise motivation? Put it on paper: "Are you hoping that exercise will help you lose weight? . . .
Sponsored by:
Chemotherapy.com - http://www.chemotherapy.com"

Niacin: Making energy for your body

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Niacin: Making energy for your body: "Niacin is a water-soluble B vitamin that's important in converting . . ."

Healthy dessert: Vanilla poached peaches

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Healthy dessert: Vanilla poached peaches: "A healthy diet doesn't have to mean skipping dessert. Try . . ."

Weekend Blend

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Weekend Blend: "

Welcome to the Weekend Blend at the Internet Cafe Devotionals!

We know that weekends are full! We understand! We want you to pull up a chair, find a table at the Cafe just for you. We’ve got a place to savor a sip as we serve up some of our favorite devotionals from the past. (The links are just below the menu!)


Brotherly Love


Love the Ones Your With


Creating a Bridge - A Snapshot of ESL Literacy in Ontario by Ontario Literacy Coalition (2007)

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Creating a Bridge - A Snapshot of ESL Literacy in Ontario by Ontario Literacy Coalition (2007): "The focus of this study is on the English as a Second Language (ESL) training community in Ontario, and their students who are studying to become literate in ESL, with limited or no literacy skills in their first language.

The aim of the study is to provide a current picture for the purpose of identifying issues, gaps, opportunities that could be addressed through policy and programming."

Blog from, "A Faith Filled Journey - CIA (Changes in Attitude)"

Friday, February 26, 2010
CIA - Giving More

Hey Girls! So nice to be here with you today because it means this is another installment of the CIA {Changes in Attitude} Challenge!! I've been a bit preoccupied lately and this week really is no different, but I had to make a valued effort to get here and blog about something important.... Giving More!

To read the rest of the blog just click on the following link: CIA - Giving More

Intimidating Success

Friday, February 26, 2010
Granola Bar Devotionals
Intimidating Success

My Brokenness…

Friday, February 26, 2010
My Brokenness…: "

Amy Stavnes is serving up our devotional today! Welcome her!

Around our house if something gets broken such as a toy and new batteries will not fix it, then it is broken.  Broken is broken to me.  It usually will not get repaired because I do not have the time to stop and investigate how broken it is in order to fix it.  As I was trying to “fix” one of my kid’s toys with new batteries, it occurred to me…broken is broken with God. He does not see me as any better or worse than my neighbor.  The worst person I can think of on this earth is no more broken than me.  Broken is broken {period}.

God longs for the broken to come to Him.  He does not see my brokenness in levels nor does He compare my brokenness to my neighbor’s.  He longs for me and He longs for my neighbor.  He wants to fix me.  He wants to fix me forever, not just temporarily with a new charge of batteries.  He has the only everlasting repair that will fit perfectly in the hole of my heart.  He sent the one and only fix to my brokenness and the beauty is that it was not just sent for me.  It was sent for each and every child of His.  The only thing that will repair my brokenness is Christ in my heart which leads to the beauty of one day being perfect in HIM.

Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

Jeremiah 17:14

How beautiful is the thought that you and I will not be discarded because of our brokenness?  God has the time to heal me and my brokenness.  God, the creator of all of the universe, has time to “fix” me.  He not only has the time, but He longs to “fix” each and every one of us through His son, Jesus Christ.  He is waiting…do not feel that you are broken beyond repair.  Come to Him and you will be repaired for eternity through his Son.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live fore righteousness by his wounds you have been healed.

1 Peter 2:24


1.  Have you ever felt broken beyond repair?

2.  Do you lay your broken pieces at His feet?

3.  What healing do you need from Him today?


Dear Gracious Lord,

I come before you, your broken child, who longs to be perfect through your Son.  I pray for forgiveness for all of my brokenness that I try to fix without you.  Please be with me Lord and show me how to live for you each and every day.  For it is through your Son that I have healing.  I pray that I can be a light for you that shows the healing you have done for my broken nature.  I love you, Lord.  I praise you for your wonderful works and ways.

In Jesus’ name I pray.


In Him,


A Little About Amy…

She’s  a Southern girl (okay woman) who loves the Lord. She’s married to the man of her dreams.  Together they have been blessed with three amazing children.  God has just blessed her family again by placing a child in their hearts and they have begun the journey of adopting from Ethiopia.   Her life is filled with family activities and a desire to raise her children as strong Christians. She can be found daily at her website, Filled With Praise.


Why it's so important to have our children read.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
How many of you read with your child? Reading with your child will not only encourage him/her to read,you will also help them to expand their vocabulary and literacy skills. We as parents are responsible for our children's education. If we don't take the time out to read with them, or even just have them read aloud to us, then we are not doing our job as parents. Here are a few ideas to help you help your children improve their reading skills:
  1. Have your child read for 20 minutes a day (aloud or to themselves).
  2. Take your child to the local library so they can pick out a book, if possible,check out two of the same so that you can read together. It is also cheaper than having to buy books.
  3. Have your child sit at the table and read aloud while you're cooking dinner. This helps when we are busy, it makes them feel good about being able to read to you, as well as, them knowing that you are paying attention.
  4. If your child is in the second grade and above have them read a chapter each night, then summarize what they have read.
  5. Have your child read the dictionary, you can even have them write down the definitions to words that you both can pick out. Children's dictionary's are also available at the Library!
Here are a few links to helpful websites:
The Literacy Web at The University of Connecticut
Joe Witt - Reading Center
Super Teacher Worksheets

Coffee, God and Me

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Check out this great blog by clicking  on the following link: Coffee, God and Me

For Media - American Diabetes Association

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
For Media - American Diabetes Association

Gis Jaquenod the Greatest Blog Background Creator Around!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Gisele Jaquenod

Newsletters and Journals from ED

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Newsletters and Journals from ED

EDInfo Home Page

Sunday, February 21, 2010
EDInfo Home Page

The Official Netflix Blog

Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Official Netflix Blog