
Do you think your child needs to be tested for a learning disability?

Thursday, February 11, 2010
We are our children's best advocate! Please do not let your child's school tell you that he is the problem. I did at first when my son was in the first grade and boy do I regret it now.  After that year I have made it a point to contact his teachers whenever I feel that he is not understanding the homework. When he entered the second grade the school psychologist, learning resource teacher, and the principal tried to tell me that he doesn't have a learning disability even before they tested him. His teacher and I totally disagreed with this. I pushed for them to test my son, but they told me that there were not any more openings for testing, so on and so on. When he entered the third grade; he was suppose to be tested but they lagged again, we had another meeting, his third grade teacher recommended testing and stated that she knows he has a learning disability. They tried to talk us out of it again. This upset me! I told the psychologist that she must be an excellent doctor to know that a child doesn't need to be tested just by looking at them. I left upset but didn't show my anger. Instead, I went home looked up the U.S. Department of Education, called and left them a message as well as an email. Within 24 hours I received a phone call from a lady named Denise. She listened, then stated that what they were doing was totally unacceptable as well as not complying with the department of educations rules. She let me know that she was going to make a phone call and that I needed to call the psychologist and let her know that I had been in contact with her. I did what she said and the following week my son was tested.

Angel does have a learning disability. Now that this is confirmed it is easier for me to help him understand his homework. So, please don't listen to the school, listen to yourself and your child.