
Room to Read Blog

Friday, November 12, 2010
Drawing a Line in the Sand on Literacy: "

Literacy is defined as "reading skill and reading habit," and it has the power to unlock doors to opportunity. As Room to Read focuses on enhancing literacy skills in the nine countries where we work, we're introducing literacy pilot programs that include additional teacher training, curriculum development and supplemental classroom materials. Joel Bacha, Room to Read's Southeast Asia Program Manager for Literacy, describes a visit to a school in Cambodia where our literacy pilots have been initiated.

Walking with the principal toward the grade 1 classroom at Tatouk Primary School in Siem Reap province, we notice several students watch our approach through an open window. The principal explains that the grade 1 reading program is different this year: the students are more active – from his office, he can hear them sing songs and play games, and overall they seem to be enjoying school more. In today’s class, there are about 40 students. The teacher asks for volunteers and half the class raises their hands. The teacher calls on one girl who comes to the front of the class and chooses a letter. She holds it up to the class, and everyone calls out the name of the letter, “Shri-la.”

Cambodia sand2 After we observed the class for 10 minutes, the teacher had the students go outside and line up in two lines. She asked them to draw the letter shape they had just learned in the air. Then the students bent down to write the letter in the sand. When they were finished, each student checked their neighbor’s work to see if they had drawn the letter correctly. Cambodia sand 3 For those who needed more help, the teacher provided extra guidance, and in some cases, the teacher directed students to help each other. To reinforce the lesson, students wiped the area in front of them clear and practiced writing the letter again in pairs. Afterwards, they washed their hands, returned to the classroom and pulled out their notebooks. The teacher wrote the letter on the board several times and the students followed by writing the letter in their note books at their own pace.

The literacy program is seen as important in Siem Reap where a large percentage of students are not reading at grade level by the time they reach grade 3. The program aims to promote a balanced approach for teaching reading where students are exposed to phonics instruction and structured reading time. Part of the challenge has been the limited training for teachers and the complex Khmer script which students are expected to learn in a short amount of time.

Earlier this fall, 36 grade 1 teachers from 20 schools in the local school district participated in a Room to Read literacy teacher training. However, while many grade 1 teachers are used to teaching phonics, teaching reading is still new. The teachers were introduced to interactive teaching and learning methods for phonics, reading and writing in the Khmer language. One of the teachers commented, “The extra activities in the [My Reading] book are really helpful. The students are learning better [than last year] because they are interested in the activities. I thought that trying the “new” way would be difficult. It takes more time to try at first, but once I get used to the activities, it seems better for students.”

For more information about our pilot programs and our work in Cambodia, visit our website."

Women of Faith

Friday, November 12, 2010
Women of Faith Book Club: Faithful: "


What’s your dream 40th birthday celebration? It’s probably not serving as maid of honor at your spoiled younger sister’s wedding. That certainly wasn’t how Cyd hoped to spend her birthday, especially since she’s not even dating anyone herself. Dana’s day isn’t going any better—she just caught her husband in bed with another woman. Meanwhile, Phyllis found the perfect godly guy . . . unfortunately, she’s already married to someone else. Will these three friends find the strength to be faithful to the covenants they’ve made with God―and each other?
25% OFF Faithful while it is the featured Book Club selection – Click here to buy now!

EXCERPT – Faithful by Kim Cash Tate
Cydney Sanders jumped at the ringing of the phone, startled out of slumber. She rolled over, peeked at the bedside clock, and groaned. She had twenty whole minutes before the alarm would sound, and she wanted every minute of that ..."

Women of Faith

Friday, November 12, 2010
Generous Heart: "


God wants us to live lives thrown wide open to his love and abandoned to his care. He calls us to love others with a generous heart. (1 Cor. 13:4-5) Sheila Walsh"

Women of Faith

Friday, November 12, 2010
The Solitary Heart: "


O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever. — Psalm 107:1 NRSV
For those of you out there who live alone, I can tell you from experience that it’s important to have a grateful heart about living by yourself. And in many ways, each one of us is essentially alone. We “exist within our own unique epidermal envelope as a separate thing,” Thomas Wolfe once wrote. But that can be a wonderful thing.
Living alone has taught me not only to tolerate solitude but revel in it. I’ve learned to confront my fears and become comfortable with my inner self. In fact, solitude isn’t a luxury but a requirement for me now. It gives me good mental health. When I’m alone, I process life’s experiences, think through choices, replenish my energy, and face myself without other distractions. Sometimes that’s pleasant; sometimes it’s not. But ..."

The Official Netflix

Friday, November 12, 2010
XBox and Windows Phone 7 News: "Greg Peters here from product development for Netflix. We have some great news to share with our U.S. and Canada members. Netflix members in Canada can now instantly watch thousands of movies and TV shows streamed from Netflix to the TV via the Xbox 360. All you need is a Netflix membership, a broadband internet connection and an Xbox LIVE Gold membership. All Netflix members will be able to search for TV shows and movies from their Xbox 360, making it even easier to find something to watch.

Netflix members in both the U.S. and Canada also now have the ability to instantly watch TV shows and movies on their Windows Phone 7 handsets. The application is available in the Marketplace and is free.


HealthCorps Blog

Friday, November 12, 2010
Best Seasonal Fall Produce: "

Pomegranate trees and persimmon trees are dropping their fruit in southern California, while upstate New York has bushels of apples falling to the ground. This is a great time of year to enjoy pumpkin as well, but don’t forget about the other seasonal fruits and vegetables that pop up in season.

read more"

Wild Olive Tees - Get Your Verse On!

Friday, November 12, 2010
Wild Olive


Sweet Tea for Surrendered Sisters

Friday, November 12, 2010
Pat Layton: Christian Author and Speaker
Equipping women with Eternal truths for Everyday life.

Surrendered Sister


Friday, November 12, 2010
The Sustainability of Words: "

“That’s my song playing on the radio!” We stop everything we’re doing and hone in on the words. Now we’re dancing up a storm, crying our eyes out, or filled with strength to face the day. Something we’ve read encourages us to live our dreams or make “that” change. Their sheer expression of delight tells us they love the gift we’ve given. The perfect timing of “I Love You and I really appreciate all you do” can’t be compared.

Words can be written, spoken, sung, or even unspoken in body language and gestures. It can lift you up and fill you or break you down and defeat you. It’s amazing how much power a simple word can have when a certain tone or expression accompanies it. We are surrounded by words in all shapes and forms everyday and all day long. What are we reading, listening to, watching, or saying? Is it replenishing or depleting?

During one of my quiet times I clearly heard God ask me, “Are you living a sustainable life, Jeri?” I knew he wasn’t speaking about the environment. I knew in my spirit he was asking me about my everyday living. Again I heard him, “My words are a gift for you to use. How are you using it?” Wow! It blew me away. My words really aren’t mine. They are His gifts to me. Yet, so many times I don’t even think about it. I just start talking.

My favorite form of words is writing. I love to write cards, tweet, and send emails to encourage people. I especially like to write to authors and speakers and let them know that what they’ve shared has affected me. Just recently, I’ve started to write articles. It’s so amazing how many different ways you can say “one” thing!

So, I’m choosing what I’m talking about, writing about, and listening to. As often as possible, I’m going to practice speaking life – into my husband, adult children, neighbors, friends, and family. I’m inspired to be an encourager even if the person in front of me is going through something that makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m praying God can use us to speak, write, and sing sustainable words from Him that will carry them and strengthen them when they’re away from us. More importantly, I’m learning and growing in the truth that apart from Him I can do nothing. As long as I’m having daily time with Him, He’ll give me all I need – even the right words!

I’ll leave you with these life words that are filling me right now:

Proverbs 11:25A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

Deuteronomy 30: 19 – This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…

Sustainable words prosper, refresh, and speak life into us and others – forever.

By Jeri Taira, God’s Dreams For Me


Here's My Cup Lord

Friday, November 12, 2010
You Can’t Lead Without Being Followed: "

*The reverse is also true…

You know, God is really speaking to me through these ministers He has allowed me to hear via television. Where Joyce Meyer speaks of Power Thoughts, Joel Osteen reminds us to speak faith into our circumstances, and Marilyn Hickey admonishes us to not to speak of our lack– “For in him you have been enriched in every way–in all your speaking and in all your knowledge–” 1 Cor. 1:5 NIV

He is saying ‘Hear my voice; Heed my words.’

*There’s that verse again! (Thanks Jerry!)

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Ecc. 9:10-11 KJV

“In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” 11:6

“What you do is the best reflection of what you believe.”—Sarah Bowlin

Help me to receive truth so that I can receive mercy.

“We have to be, to become what God intended.”—Karen Grassle as Caroline Ingalls, Little House on the Prairie


Thank Goodness for Mercy

Friday, November 12, 2010
Thank Goodness for Mercy: "

It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV

Moca’s sad, weak eyes looked up at me conveying her discomfort while her head, seemingly too heavy to lift, remained on the floor. My miniature dachshund’s brown tail that usually wagged upon seeing me lay limp. Moca, who had feasted on a delectable baby bird, was now paying the price with what I thought was just a bad tummy ache. After a couple of days with no improvement, I gathered Moca’s ten-pound body and carried her to the car. She lay still in my arms even as I walked into the vet’s office where she usually tried to escape the upcoming torture by running the other way. Upon examining Moca, Dr. Truban diagnosed pancreatitis and immediately hospitalized the sick puppy.

After a week of IV fluids and antibiotics, Moca was allowed to come home but had to return to the vet for weekly check-ups and blood work. Dr. Truban, who’d taken care of Moca, was usually available for these appointments but one day was out of the office and his partner, Dr. Brinegar, filled in for him.

“What’s going on with Moca? Dr. Brinegar asked as he walked into the exam room.

“Well, Moca ate a baby bird a few weeks ago and…”

Dr. Brinegar’s eyes grew wide with dismay and he looked first at Moca and then back at me. “I love birds,” he said. “In fact, I love those feathered creatures so much I even specialized in birds in vet school.”

Looking at Moca I thought; You, Puppy, could be in big trouble. The man who holds your very life in his hands loves birds. And he knows you ate one.

Knowing Moca brought this illness upon herself and that she did so by ending the life of an innocent baby bird could have impacted the amount of compassion Dr. Brinegar had on Moca. His mercy level could have plummeted upon hearing this dreadful news. But it didn’t. Dr. Brinegar gently picked up the guilty puppy.

“Come here, Girl. Let’s see how you’re doing.” It was soon evident Dr. Brinegar didn’t care what sin had gotten Moca into her predicament; he only wanted to help her get well.

Thank goodness for mercy.

Aren’t we glad that the One who holds our very life in His hands has the same kind of mercy on us?

In the Old Testament book of Psalms, King David, whom God referred to as a man after His own heart, cried out to God for mercy after a time of great sin in his life. King David’s affair with Bathsheba led to the subsequent murder of her husband Uriah. Sadly, the child born of this affair died and as a result of all of this, King David ended up a broken man. But King David knew his healing could only come from God and he cried out in Psalm 51:1,

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.”

When we, like King David, go to the Lord and confess our sin, the details could affect the amount of compassion God has on us. His mercy level could plummet upon hearing the dreadful news. But it doesn’t. He gently pulls us into his arms. “Come here, my child. Tell me all about it.” It’s soon evident Our Father only wants to heal us from our sin and restore us to a right relationship with Him. Thank goodness for mercy.

Our Father, thank you for Your mercy. Thank you that it is new every morning. Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto us.


Susan D.

Find Susan at her personal site, HERE.


Issue #385 -  Ministry Toolbox - Pastors

Friday, November 12, 2010
Issue #385 - Ministry Toolbox - Pastors


Friday, November 12, 2010

Say yes to God!
Rick Warren invites you and your team to join the Radicalis generation, February 22-25 201

Saddleback Church ~ Lake Forest, CA