
Finding a Quiet Place, a free book & coffee to go with it!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Finding a Quiet Place, a free book & coffee to go with it!: "

I love Jesus' invitation. He gives me permission to pull away from the needs that pull on me. I thirst for time alone with Him. I know I need the gift of rest He offers, but I'm not always in a place to receive it. I have to get intentional or it won't ever happen.

I noticed today that Jesus invited his disciples in Mark 6 to change locations physically so that they could find refreshment and restoration spiritually and mentally. It's easier for me to rest when I pull away from the demands of life and my daily setting. What about you? Do you ever go somewhere without distractions and noises to spend time with Jesus? Sometimes this is my devotional time but sometimes it is just the chance to enjoy down time.

One of my favorites things to do is pull away to a quiet place with a cup of coffee, my journal and a great book. Sometimes I'll read my Bible, other times I'll read a novel that stirs my heart and reveals God's truth in a new and creative context.

With today's key verse in mind and some things God is teaching me about not expecting so much of myself but giving myself permission to pull away, I wanted to share with you two give-aways that include an excuse to do the same for yourself - coffee and a good read!!

First, through this Friday, you can download a free copy of the novel 'Scared' (More details at the end of this post.) Author, Tom Davis, along with David C. Cook Publishers is graciously offering this to our P31 family of readers and friends through Proverbs 31 Ministries' She Reads site.

Second, I have the perfect thing to go with this compelling book - a pound of delicious coffee! Tom Davis is not only an amazing author, he's got a huge giving heart!He's also the co-founder of Saints Coffee (http://www.saintscoffee.com/). His company gives 1/3 of their net profits to care for orphans in Africa and Russia. And he's offered to give me a pound of free coffee. I've decided to give it to one of you! If your name is picked, you can visit http://www.saintscoffee.com/ and let me know what roast and flavor you'd like and I'll send your request to him.

To enter to win a pound of coffee for you (or a friend), click on the word 'comments' below and type in the white box. If you don't have a blog, click anonymous. Please include your name, your email and let me know...
(and if you don't like coffee, I'd still love to hear your thoughts).

Where do you find that quiet place with Jesus where He promises rest?

Then visit my friends at She Reads where you can download your
FREE COPY OF Tom's NOVEL, 'Scared.'

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