
Today’s devotional: what we see is what we are

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Today’s devotional: what we see is what we are
When you think about the people in your life, what stands out? Do their flaws and mistakes irk you? In this devotional, Dick Innes draws on 1 Peter 4:8 and an interesting visual trick to make the point that what we see in others often says more about us than it does about them:
…we see things not they way they are, but the way we are. For instance, if I am a negative person, I will see negative things in what others do—things that may not even be there—and be critical about them. If I am a supersensitive person, I will read into what others say or do and overreact—not on the basis of what they have said or done, but on the basis of who and what I am. On the other hand, if I am a loving person, I will overlook the petty faults in others and be accepting and forgiving of them, for love does “cover a multitude of sins.”
Indeed, what we see is who we are or who we are is what we will see.
Read the full devotional at Acts International.
Think about the people around you today—your coworkers, your family and friends, the clerks and passersby you encounter as you go about your day. What do you see in them? And what does that say about you?

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